Lice are wingless insects and the claws in their six legs are adapted for holding and walking on the hair (Fig. 1). Lice cannot jump or fly. Their mouth parts are designed to penetrate the skin and suck blood. Their color is grayish-brownish, but after sucking blood they may become reddish and dark brown.

Fig. 1. Mumcuoglu

Fig. 1. Mumcuoglu

The freshly laid louse egg is oval in shape, about 0.8 mm inĀ  length, transparent, shiny and has a yellowish-milky color (Fig. 2).


A. Human lice
B. History
C. Morphology
D. Biology
E. Epidemiology
F. Clinical picture
G. Psychological effects
H. Diagnosis
I. Treatment
J. Prevention
K. Nits and nit removal remedies
L. The role of parents
M. Myths and misconceptions
N. Legal concerns
O. General recommendations
External sources